Identify Your Child's Inborn Talent Strength Learning Style Hidden Talents by DMIT

DMIT - Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

What is Vaidehi's DMIT?

DMIT: Your Personal Roadmap to Excellence

Unveiling the Secrets of Your Fingerprint Patterns

Decoding DMIT

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a scientific analysis that explores an individual’s unique fingerprint patterns to provide insights into their innate qualities and potential.

About Our Brain

The human brain is the most fascinating three pounds of matter on this Universe. During brain development, 250,000 neurons are added every minute. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. The hemispheres are divided in terms of what kind of thought they process or produce.

We are providing various reports that deal with family, relationships, children’s education, the corporate world and marital life.

What is Dermatoglyphics ?
Dermatoglyphics is a scientific analysis of fingerprint patterns.The term Dermatoglyphics originates from two Greek words. DERMA = SKIN GLYPHE = CURVE Fingerprints and dermal ridge pattern are unique with each individual. Even Fingerprints are differences between similar twins also. Discover your intrinsic potential by identifying the form and various types of styles on the finger
What is Multiple Intelligence Test ? Multiple Intelligence is a scientific method of understanding Brain Lobes and its usages Dr. Howard Gardner introduced 9 Multiple Intelligence in his book called Frames of Mind Every person has a minimum of 9 Multiple Intelligence ,Everybody has different ratios of Multiple Intelligence. Anyone can discover their Inborn Multiple Intelligence from DMIT Test

DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is Suitable for .......

Toddlers (age 1-4)

Knowing a toddler’s potentials at the early age will help parents make decisions on parenting charms and educational methods

Teenagers & Young Adults (age 12-25)

Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one’s learning experience. Subject and educational stream selection and reduces time, money, effort wasted over irrelevant course & classes

Children (age 4-12)

In this age, Children are curious to learn and they can absorb more than they will, when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences in this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on

Adult (age 25+)

Understanding one’s areas of intelligences help an adult make decisions on careers. Develop understanding & comfort through better communication, understand your partner's Personality traits, Values and Characteristics, understand your natural character traits etc.s

Schools & Students

Helps in choosing right academic courses and suitable career path. Understand most effective ways and style of Learning. If followed suggestive tips one can choose and excel in desired career by overcoming weaknesses. It boosts confidence & improves relationship with parents and peers. Reduces peer pressure by understanding oneself & helps developing well-groomed personality.


Helps in decision making of placing right person at the right place, reduces cost, increases healthy competition & create better corporate value. Happy and dedicated employees give better performances. It also helps to reduce frequent inflow & outflow of employees. Consistency and stability in employees creates healthy bond in employer and employees and gives cost effective betterment in performances. Activities to encourage employees to improve their weaknesses helps better use of talents and strength of the person, hence reduces cost and energy in trial and error in placement.


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